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St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

School Meals

School meals are provided on school premises by the school kitchen.  A set meal is provided for Primary 1 to Primary 7.  We operate an online payment system called ParentPay.  Dinner tickets cost £2.60 at present.

Please check the most recent weekly news for an updated menu. Occasionally there my be changes made to the menu and you will be notified by this via email.

The school kitchen has a 5 star food hygiene rating.

Application forms for Free School Meals can be obtained from the school office or by visiting the EA website.

School dinners and lunches are supervised by our Supervisory Assistants and pupils are expected to be courteous and obedient to the dinner ladies and supervisors.


Children may bring a packed lunch to school.  Lunches should be in a separate lunch box or bag to protect schoolbooks. Glass bottles, fizzy drinks and confectionary are not allowed, in line with our healthy break policy.

We have children in school who suffer from nut allergies, therefore we ask that you do not give your child any nuts or nut products to bring into school.

Healthy Break

The school operates a healthy break policy. There is also the opportunity to purchase milk for drinking at break time or water is provided. Water bottles can be refilled from the water cooler.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast club also operates every school morning from 8.00-8.50am, serving a variety of cereals and toast. Cost £2.00 per day. This is payable on arrival and pupils must be signed in when dropped off.