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St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

The school uniform is available from Woodside’s Department Store, Main Street, Larne or online from the MyClothing website at (formerly Tesco School Uniforms)

Uniform is as follows:-

Grey trousers
White shirt
School tie
Green school sweatshirt
Black School Shoes

Green pinafore/ skirt
White blouse
School tie
Green school sweatshirt
Black School Shoes

PE Uniform
White polo shirt (school)
Plain dark blue or blackshorts / jogging/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
Trainers (to be worn only during PE)
*School jumper must be worn

Optinal school fleeces and raincoats can also be purchased from Woodside’s or Tesco.

Please label all items with your child’s name especially sweatshirts and fleeces/coats