Google Classroom
As part of our commitment to supporting pupils during forced periods of school closure, we have implemented Google Classroom, for Years 3 – 7, as a vehicle to communicate with pupils and set learning opportunities.
Access codes have been provided to all parents.
Instructions for download and access
Google Classroom can be accessed through a free App either on the Apple Store or Google Play on both Apple and Android devices as well as through the internet on laptops or desktops.
The ‘stream’ is the front page, and is where children can see messages and posts that their teacher has posted. Teachers may also direct children to learning links and websites and would be the best place for children to explore when they first access their classroom.
On the ‘classwork’ tab, you can find homework, assignments, quizzes or questions that have been set. Clear instructions will be written to explain how to complete each task.
If there is an issue, parents can send a message to their teacher asking for help. Obviously, this is not a chat room, so please ensure you are asking appropriate questions.
We hope that your child enjoys engaging with this learning platform both while the school is closed and when we return to school.
Note: There is no expectation to print any of the lessons. Just open the page and complete the work in an exercise book or on paper. If you don’t have access to any books or paper please contact the school.
Please also don’t forget the Online learning tab on our website which links you to Accelerated Reading, Purple Mash, The Maths Factor etc.
If there are any issues with passwords/usernames, please contact with the school office.