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St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

Counselling Service and Wellbeing Check in

5th Dec 2021

A therapeutic/counselling and wellbeing check-in service is now available in school following the launch of the Department of Education ‘Healthy Happy Minds’ pilot.
The confidential service will offer one-to-one counselling/creative therapy for children or access to the drop-in service for short well-being check-ins (provided parental consent has been provided for service use). Areas that the services can help with include anxiety, wellbeing, mental health, family issues etc

Posters have been displayed throughout the school to make children aware of the service, and for our key stage 2 pupils (P5-P7) there is a red ‘post box’ in the resource area that children can place a note should they need to refer into the service. For children accessing counselling, the counsellor will make contact with the parent to complete an assessment with them to have a better understanding of how things are for the child.