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St MacNissi's Primary School, Larne

Litter Review / Bin Survey

27th Feb 2024

To get a better understanding of the waste and litter within the school, the Eco-committee conducted a bin survey with Mr Lomas to identify how many bins the school had and how often they were being emptied. We were surprised at how many bins the school uses but we were pleased to hear of how much recycling was being taken. A waste audit was carried out to check if we were using the bins within the school correctly and results showed that some recyclable items were being placed into the black bin. A composition analysis of litter around the school showed that most of the litter was plastic and that it is mostly coming from people and sources outside the school. We also measured the food waste in the canteen.

To combat this, we decided to educate the pupils and staff within the school about what belongs in each bin and healthy habits to reduce the waste and litter within school through an assembly. We have made posters on what belongs in each bin and we are also going to make posters for the playground in a bid to reduce litter coming from external sources. Please support us with this. We have signed up for the Litter Less project to try and reduce the litter within the school grounds. We will complete several litter picks over the school year and weigh the litter we collect. Our aim is to see a reduction in the amount of litter within school grounds over time.